Friday, May 3, 2019

Ramadhan Kareem with ningxia red

We are just a few days from Ramadhan, then soon we will have Syawal.

While some of my family & friends are preparing for the holy month, I want to take the opportunity to wish each and everyone a smooth fasting period and May you achieve the serenity and closeness to your Creator.

On the side, here is something that might really be helpful for Ramadhan.
So, I have been consuming Ningxia red either from the 2 oz packets (super convenient) or from the cool bottle in my fridge almost daily. On days that i do remember to take it, I feel more energetic & I really think the fiber contents help my with bowel movement.

This superdrink is an antioxidant because it contains a proprietary Ningxia Red blend (Ningxia wolfberry puree, juice concentrate from blueberry, plum, cherry, Aronia, tart cherry, pomegranate) and essential oil blend of orange, grape seed extract, lemon, Yuzu, and tangerine rind oil). All those juice sourness is balanced with pectin & stevia gylcosides.

Here is a video of the Seed to Seal Promise on Ningxia Red

You may take the 2 oz packet after sahur to prep you up and energized throughout the day, and iftar  a nice cool juice will help the digestives!

What's cool 30ml (1 oz) is only 23 kcal...while that GO packet with 60ml is only 46 kcal!

Selamat Menyambut
Bulan Ramadhan
Yang Mulia everyone